By Mireya Villarreal
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When I was in beauty school about 20+ years ago, I used to get in trouble by my teacher Mrs. Denise for consistently dropping my comb, especially while braiding and coloring.
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When I was in beauty school about 20+ years ago, I used to get in trouble by my teacher Mrs. Denise for consistently dropping my comb, especially while braiding and coloring.
"CLICK, CLOCK, MIREYA!!" she would yell. "AGAIN OMG!!!! I hear it!!! FOCUS!"
I said, Mrs. Denise one day I am going to design a comb that will never fall out of my hand. She said good dear, go do it. I went home and started sketching my vision. I think I drew it about 100 times. I showed my Dad.

Dad look..... I need this comb! "Oh yes, looks cool", he said. I said, "can you give me money to produce it?". "Heheh". He said, "What??" And looked at me like I was kidding (by the way I was 17 years old). He said "a comb is a comb go to Sally's. Here's 10 bucks."
I closed my journal and continued life.
Moving forward 20+ years, I found my journal and saw my drawings, omg YES! I want to make this. I showed my husband and he rolled his eyes and told me to focus on my company, which at that point was an accessory line. I said no, seriously look at what this comb does. It stays in your hands while styling, braiding & coloring and as a stylist this is gonna be so convenient. I showed my staff, they literally thought I was nuts. No one was on my side about getting it made. I was like WTF nevermind them.
So....I called my designer friend, showed her my sketch and asked her to perfect it for me so I can get the right measurements because I was on a mission to get it manufactured. Went to the bank... sent it off to get a mold and to start manufacturing it. I bought a ton of inventory because I believed in it. I called it "The Pink Pewter Never Let Go" Styling and Color Comb. This comb is the weirdest looking comb in the market and honestly, if you see it you wonder what the heck does this thing do?
A couple weeks passed and I finally got it into my hands. My mission was to put in the hands of every artist I knew. I took it to my first hair show and it sold out! Second hair show, sold out! Third hair show, sold out and it keeps going from there.
My husband and my team said I will never second guess your vision or passion. Now, my comb is in the hands of some of the most talented artist in the world. Thank you for believing in me and my product.
Dreams do come true. @Mounir, one of the most recognizable hair artists in the world is using my comb. Can you believe that over 8 million of his followers viewed my comb!? I am beyond blown away.
My husband and my team said I will never second guess your vision or passion. Now, my comb is in the hands of some of the most talented artist in the world. Thank you for believing in me and my product.
Dreams do come true. @Mounir, one of the most recognizable hair artists in the world is using my comb. Can you believe that over 8 million of his followers viewed my comb!? I am beyond blown away.