Pink Pewter Celebrates a Sweet Sixteen Birthday this Month!

June is always a special month at Pink Pewter, because it's our birthday month!  We are forever grateful to our wonderful family of customers and friends, that helped build Pink Pewter over the last 16 years.  It's still amazing to believe our story began 16 years ago in June.

"A kitchen table hobby making hair accessories for my little girl has taken me and my passion around the world, and has developed into a brand that is sold in over 30 countries. I am truly blessed and so thankful to everyone who has believed in me, my brand and my vision" - Mireya Villarreal, Founder and CEO - Pink Pewter

Enjoy some vintage photos of Mireya!

Pink Pewter Vintage Photos
Pink Pewter Vintage Photos
Pink Pewter Vintage Photos
Pink Pewter Vintage Photos
Pink Pewter Vintage Photos
Pink Pewter Vintage Photos
Pink Pewter Vintage Photos
Pink Pewter Vintage Photos
Pink Pewter Vintage Photos
Pink Pewter Vintage Photos
Pink Pewter Vintage Photos
Pink Pewter Vintage Photos

Read more about Mireya and the Pink Pewter story 

This year, we are celebrating and want you to be part of it.  So, take a look at the "party favors" that will run the entire month of June.  Enjoy!