Be Safe. Be Healthy. Show Love.

Over the next several weeks, take time with family and the ones you love. Sit around the dinner table and laugh together. Get your coziest blanket and watch a good movie together. Enjoy the silence and calm in your home. Be together.

Help others wherever you can, even if it's just a phone call or a simple "how are you? text message. We are all in need. Show compassion and be patient. Everything makes a difference.

We need to come together as this pandemic continues and realize we are in this together. No one is immune to the day to day struggles this will bring forward. Be it emotionally, physically, or financially, we are all facing the same concerns and hardships.

Just like past times, we will get through all of this and be much stronger on the other side.

Keep faith and prayer in your heart.

Mireya Villarreal
Founder and CEO - Pink Pewter

Find a happy photo memory to keep yourself positive. Here's mine :)